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Writer's pictureGary Hanson

Roller Coaster Days and Nights

Updated: Aug 21, 2024

Good afternoon and once again I thank you for your amazing support and dedication to faithfully following Joy on her journey. As I mentioned yesterday, I wasn’t planning to post today, but given some advances and challenges I wanted to share an update.

Probably the most positive developments have been that Joy has made significant gains in the strength and mobility of her right leg and can do leg lifts and foot flexes with both. The right is still weaker, but gaining strength fast. Also, the last couple days have seen Joy start to consistently be able to lift and reach with her right forearm. Her right hand is not moving yet, but the use of her right forearm, albeit quite weak, and her right leg and foot are truly miraculous. We thank you all for your faithful prayers and thank God for His grace and favor shown. 

At the same time, Joy has struggled with emotional swings, agitation, and perhaps even delirium. When I arrived this morning the staff said she had been awake all night and at times was so agitated, that despite her reduced mobility, looked like she was riding a mechanical bull. Heartbreaking. Given her difficult night, she was extremely lethargic for a good part of today, so lethargic that she could barely open her eyes or respond to any verbal request, which was very distressing given the more positive days we had recently.

Then, Joy was moved to the chair about 2:30. While she doesn’t like being in the chair, that seemed to stimulate her enough that she was more wakeful, and other than uncomfortable, did not seem discouraged, and spontaneously started doing leg lifts with both legs and raising her right forearm on her own. Talk about a roller coaster! The time in the chair wore her out and she is again very sleepy, but seeing her wakeful, moving legs and arms, and in generally good spirits, was so encouraging.

Your faithful prayers are appreciated more than words can say and please prioritize not only Joy’s continued physical advances, but also for a miraculous sense peace, calm, and hope for Joy’s mind and spirit.


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