Good evening and thank you all for your tremendous demonstration of faithful prayers and loving support to Joy and our family.
Today was another busy therapy day and although tiring was tolerated well by Joy. And, on one of the breaks from therapy, Joy had the staples from her cranioplasty removed, well all but the last three. The process ended up being much more painful than anticipated with Joy crying out several times until it was decided to take a break. After the next therapy session we returned to the staple removal and with gritted teeth and clenched hands the last three staples were removed to much celebration. While the staple removal was a huge, albeit painful gain, an even bigger and truly miraculous blessings was about to be discovered.
Due to the trauma to the right side of Joy’s head and the fractured sinus that bled out through her right for several days, along with the fact that Joy could not hear at all out of her right ear, made me question whether her inner ear and ear drum had been damaged beyond healing. The ENT service had tried to clear debris from the ear and described what they found as dried blood and bone fragments, but then ordered a course of ear drops to soften the debris so that it could be fully cleared. Today, they returned to continue to clean the ear along with provide us results from a recent CT scan. To our JOYful, tearful, and thankful amazement, we were told that the inner ear bones were all intact and once they were able to finish cleaning the debris today, they also found Joy’s right eardrum fully intact as well, as I said, there was much rejoicing and many happy tears.
And then in the afternoon/early evening, at my request, Joy’s friend Lynn spent several hours with her while I dealt with medical billing and insurance issues. Joy enjoyed a manicure, time of reminiscing about found memories with friends, FaceTiming with another friend, and roaming about the hospital.
So thank you all for your faithful prayers and the fruits we are experiencing. At the same time, much needed healing remains, physically, cognitively, and emotionally. Please pray especially for a restful night of sleep which has continued for to allude Joy despite our fervent prayers as we go to bed.
We thank you, and wish you a peaceful night of rest as well.