Good evening and thank for following along on Joy’s/our journey and for your faithful prayers and compassionate support of our family.
This evening I am pleased to announce that I believe our home is already to receive Joy and we are both looking forward to Thursday with increasing anticipation and excitement, along with a little fear and trepidation mixed in for good measure. Joy’s outpatient therapies start in Golden Valley a week from Thursday, so we will be off into the next chapter of our saga.
So this evening as we encourage and plead for your continued prayers for Joy’s physical and emotional healing, healing of her sight, and healing of her language center, we add prayers for wisdom, discernment, and endurance in preparing for and making our transition home and into the world of Joy’s healing and recovery on an outpatient basis.
Your prayers and support and God’s matchless grace have brought us this far. Thanking you in advance for your continued intercession for us in this next chapter of our journey.