Despite the challenging news we shared yesterday morning, the balance of Saturday brought new encouragement as Joy showed more movement of her eyes with longer sustained eye contact, a turned up smile attempt on the left corner of her mouth, lifting her head off the pillow 2-3 inches, and gripping the armrest of her “chair” with her left hand and pushing as she appeared to try and adjust her position. She still is very limited in any response to command on her left side and her right side remains unresponsive, but we were very encouraged by the progress we saw yesterday.
We had a very helpful discussion with the trauma doctor overseeing her care and were able gain a bit clearer picture of the road ahead.
We were so blessed to have our friends Joe, who already made one trip down, and Woody, husband of Su who visited last week, as they did a guys road trip to bring one of our cars down so I could return my rental, they fly back Monday morning. We are humbled by the generosity shown us.
Thank you all for the generosity of your time, your faithful prayers, and your kind words of encouragement. You all bless us so.