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Not a Linear Process

Today has been a harder day and a reminder of the things I've been telling myself from the beginning to try to stay as grounded in reality.

Reality Check

Joy has exhibited a little more movement with her left hand and foot, not responding to command, but to touch.

GoFundMe Coming Soon

We wanted to let you know we are working on a GoFundMe site and will share a link as soon as we have one.

The Holberg Suite

I’ve been playing a variety of Joy’s favorite classical music including her favorite Edvard Grieg album.

The Scope of Joy’s Injuries

I wanted to share the list of her injuries to allow a better understanding of just how much we need your prayers.

An Update From Alyx

I'm feeling a lot of things right now, but "alone" isn't one of them, and I'm so, so grateful for that.

Repeat Day But Stable

Thank you all for your deep concern, compassion, and prayers. While Joy was opening both eyes a bit wider and for a bit longer period...

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