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Tears and Cheers

Yesterday, things seemed to come crashing down on Joy. I would say she wept the hardest I have seen her weep since the accident.

Good Therapy, Sobering Present Reality

Joy continues to charm the staff with her graciousness. We are now close enough to leaving that some staff are saying their goodbyes.

Countdown Continues

Today was a busy therapy day for Joy in PT, OT, and Speech. It’s clear everyone has their eyes on Joy’s discharge Thursday.

Home is Ready

This evening I am pleased to announce that I believe our home is already to receive Joy and we are both looking forward to Thursday.

A Good Day with Mom

I got to spend much of the day with Mom today while Dad worked with a friend on getting the house ready.

A Generally Positive Day

Joy's OT and PT sessions spent significant time working on activities modeling work around the house and outside the home like shopping.

Language and Tube Challenges

I know I have repeatedly asked for prayers for Joy’s aphasia/language center healing and Joy had yet another challenging day in that area.

Busy Day, Home in Sight

Today was a very busy day for Joy, she had a long therapy schedule from 9:00 in the morning until 3:30 in the afternoon!

Looking Toward Home

In addition to her PT and speech therapy, one of the most exciting parts of the day was our work with the occupational therapist.

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